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Showing posts from June, 2020

Barbarik: A Story of Khatu Shyam!

The wars could have been avoided or could have been ended in moments without the pain of dying, but just to teach the after-effects of war, they agreed to a battlefield full of blood. One such war was Mahabharata. Many aspects changed just because a primary god interfered. What happened to Karna was well known, the curse of Ashwathama was more than what he deserved but still was accepted by the followers, many more warriors and soldiers were killed by the cheat-codes provided by gods. And one such warrior, who claimed to finish the battle in just moments was brought to an end before the war started. This post is about Barbarik, The warrior who could win the battle alone. Barbarik, a great devotee of Lord Shiva. Grandson of Bheem and Son of Ghatotkacha and Maurvi. Barbarik was deemed to be a brave warrior having learned the art of warfare from his mother. His parents excelled in war and sorcery so he was ought to be special. He learned martial arts at a very young age from his mother. H


Name: Dronacharya Father: Rishi Bharadwaj Wife: Rishi Kripi Son: Ashwathama Dronacharya was born and raised in poverty. He started his education under his father and guru Rishi Bharadwaj along with price Dhrupad and became best friends He studied Dharma and military arts. When the Prince of Panchal, Dhrupad, returned to his kingdom, he promised Dronacharya that the time when he became the king he will give half of his kingdom to Dronacharya and left. Dronacharya left for further education under Lord Parshuram and studied martial arts and celestial weapons. Dronacharya got married to Rishi Kripi, sister of guru Kripacharya. Dronacharya did tough penance to please Shiva to have a valiant son like him. Since there is no one like Lord Shiva, Shiva ought to born in the human form and was named 'ASHWATHAMA'. Dronacharya being a husband and a father wanted to give a better life to his family so he approached his childhood friend Dhrupad for help (1 cow), Dhrupad didn't offer any

Vidur: The Hier of Dharma

Name: Vidur Mother: Parishrami Occupation: Prime minister of Hastinapur Known as: One of the most intelligent people of his time. Vidur is also known as Daasi Putra (Maid's son). Vidur was the son of Queen Ambika's maid Parishrami. He was raised by Bheeshma like a prince and he learned Ethics and politics under him and went on to become the most intelligent person of his time. Vidur was the half of brother to king Dhritarashtra and Pandu as three of them were born in Niyoga practice. Niyoga is a practice where the husband dies without heir or childless, the wife of the deceased can approach a man for Niyoga practice, where the appointed man will impregnate the women and once she becomes a mother, the appointed man will have no rights over the child. Niyoga can be performed only in exceptional cases with the consent of every member of the family. The modern methods of test-tube baby or surrogacy are nothing but following this ancient ritual, through advanced medical techniques.