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Barbarik: A Story of Khatu Shyam!

#Religion #Barbaric #Khatushyam #Krishna #Khatu #shyam

The wars could have been avoided or could have been ended in moments without the pain of dying, but just to teach the after-effects of war, they agreed to a battlefield full of blood. One such war was Mahabharata. Many aspects changed just because a primary god interfered. What happened to Karna was well known, the curse of Ashwathama was more than what he deserved but still was accepted by the followers, many more warriors and soldiers were killed by the cheat-codes provided by gods. And one such warrior, who claimed to finish the battle in just moments was brought to an end before the war started. This post is about Barbarik, The warrior who could win the battle alone.

Barbarik, a great devotee of Lord Shiva. Grandson of Bheem and Son of Ghatotkacha and Maurvi. Barbarik was deemed to be a brave warrior having learned the art of warfare from his mother. His parents excelled in war and sorcery so he was ought to be special. He learned martial arts at a very young age from his mother.

He was gratified with the great penance of Maa Adishakti and obtained three impenetrable arrows and the famous name of 'Three Banadhari'. Ishapurtik Valmiki was pleased and provided him with a bow, which was able to make him victorious in all the three worlds. Some say Lord Agni granted him the bow. 


When he heard about the great war taking place, his warrior mind was filled with the thoughts of participating in it as he very well knew the power he possesses might finish the war in a minute. To get involved he asked the permission to his mother, to which she asked him about the side he would fight for. Being reborn as a Yaksha, he knew that the difference between killing and protecting. Hence, he promised his mother that he will fight from the weaker side.

Krishna being a divine creation, knew about the boons of Barbarik and as Barbarik was headed towards Kurukshetra, Krishna sensed his intention to join the war. Being the greatest illusionist, Krishna disguised himself as a Brahmin and met Barbarik. He asked about the strategy for the war to which Barbarik stated about the special arrows he possesses.

After testing about the arrows, Krishna was convinced that Barbarik could change his planned outcome of the war, so out of scared curiosity, he asked Barbarik's decision of picking a side. To which, he explained his promise to join the weakest side, so as Pandavas was the weakest in this war-scenario, he would help them win. To this, Krishna explained the paradox of the condition. 

As Barbarik was the strongest warrior on the field, whatever side he takes becomes powerful, so in changing the sides as per condition, he will end up alone, killing everyone in the war. The thing is, Barbarik got convinced of this fact it was necessary to sacrifice himself before the war to save one side. Ignoring the fact that there won't be an enemy once he uses his arrows from the weakest side, he asks the Brahmin for a solution. Krishna disguised as the Brahmin asks Barbarik's head. Surprised and Confused about the intent, Barbarik was smart enough to recognise Lord Vishnu in Disguise (Yes, Krishna was an Avatar of Lord Vishnu). He agreed to donate his head for the welfare of the war, no kidding. 

Impressed by Barbarik's decision, Krishna showed his real Mahavishnu avatar and granted a last wish to Barbarik. To which Barbarik requested to watch the complete war as it was gonna be legendary. Krishna agreed to place Barbarik's head on top of the mountain that overlooked the battlefield. So besides Sanjay, Barbarik also watched the entire war without participating.

The Pandavas won. Apart from the delight of winning, there was an argument to whom had the greatest contribution in the win. Krishna suggested asking Barbarik as he watched it all. To which, he replied, "All I could see were two things. One, a divine chakra spinning all around the battlefield, killing all those who were not on the side of Dharma. The other was the Draupadi who has taken her original form of Goddess Mahakali, who spread out her tongue on the battle field and consumed all the sinners as her sacrifice". Weird.

Pleased with the sacrifice and wisdom of Barbarik, Krishna granted Barbarik with the boon of his name and those who will worship Barbarik in the name of Shyam (another name of Krishna), will be worshipping me and will be blessed. Krishna united Barbarik's body and head and placed in a pond called Shyam in the village of Khatu Khatank. Hence, He is famously known as Khatu Shyam Ji. 

Adharma can be defined as the absence of Dharma. Just like the darkness can be defined as the absence of light. Darkness can only be eliminated by the rays of light and by the same sense, Adharma should only be eliminated by the thoughts of Dharma. But why to worry when they can just kill the people influenced by Adharma, as the rules aren't made for the Primary gods. We can only blame the writers of mythology as the role models they wanted to give us were full of faults and ready to kill those who defy their words. And if humans follow it completely, humans will be in a constant state of war. 


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